Technology Hub

The AxEdge Tech Radar is a list of technologies, complemented by an assessment result, called ring assignment.
We use four rings (Click image below for visualization) with the following semantics:

  • ADOPT — Technologies we have high confidence in to serve our purpose, also in large scale. Technologies with a usage culture in our AxEdge production environment, low risk and recommended to be widely used.
  • TRIAL — Technologies that we have seen work with success in project work to solve a real problem; first serious usage experience that confirm benefits and can uncover limitations. TRIAL technologies are slightly more risky; some engineers in our organization walked this path and will share knowledge and experiences.
  • ASSESS — Technologies that are promising and have clear potential value-add for us; technologies worth to invest some research and prototyping efforts in to see if it has impact. ASSESS technologies have higher risks; they are often brand new and highly unproven in our organisation. You will find some engineers that have knowledge in the technology and promote it, you may even find teams that have started a prototyping effort.
  • HOLD — Technologies not recommended to be used for new projects. Technologies that we think are not (yet) worth to (further) invest in. HOLD technologies should not be used for new projects, but usually can be continued for existing projects.
What is the purpose?

The AxEdge Tech Radar is a tool to inspire and support engineering teams at AxEdge to pick the best technologies for new projects; it provides a platform to share knowledge and experience in technologies, to reflect on technology decisions and continuously evolve our technology landscape.

How do we maintain it?

The AxEdge Tech Radar is maintained by the AxEdge Consulting — an open group of senior AxEdge technologists committed to devote time to the Tech Radar purpose. The guild self organises to maintain the Tech Radar documents, including this public version. Assignment of technologies to rings is the outcome of ring change proposals, which are discussed and voted on in guild meetings. The AxEdge Tech Radar depends on active participation and input from all engineering teams at AxEdge.

GoF Design Patterns

GoF Design Patterns

Patterns are about reusable designs and interactions of objects. The 23 Gang of Four (GoF) patterns are generally considered the foundation for all other patterns.

AWS Cloud Design Patterns

AWS Cloud Design Patterns

The AWS Cloud Design Patterns are a collection of solutions and design ideas for using AWS cloud technology to solve common systems design problems.

Azure Cloud Design Patterns

Azure Cloud Design Patterns

Each pattern describes the problem that the pattern addresses, considerations for applying the pattern, and an example based on Microsoft Azure.

JavaScript Design Patterns.

JavaScript Design Patterns.

Design patterns are highly recommended for Javascript developers. They ensure projects are easily maintained and prevent unnecessary work.

Serverless Architectural Patterns

Serverless Architectural Patterns

Serverless Architectural Patterns are powerful way to promote best practices, robust solutions, and a shared architectural vision across our engineering organization.

Enterprise DevOps Patterns

Enterprise DevOps Patterns

"Enterprise DevOps" is the convergence of the speed and agility from modern development processes with the governance, security, and compliance control from traditional IT operations processes.

Blockchain Patterns.

Blockchain Design Patterns.

Blockchain is an emerging technology that enables new forms of decentralized software architectures, where distributed components can reach agreements on shared system states without trusting a central integration point.

Machine Learning Patterns.

Machine Learning Design Patterns.

Deep Learning Architecture can be described as a new method or style of building machine learning systems.

Internet Of Things (IoT) Patterns

Internet Of Things (IoT) Patterns

The big problem Design Patterns for IoT often get confused with Use Cases, which unfortunately don't appeal to end customers, and attempting to explain or market Design Patterns to non-developer types often causes a lot of confusion.

Containerization Patterns.

Microservices Design Patterns.

The goal of microservices is to increase the velocity of application releases, by decomposing the application into small autonomous services that can be deployed independently. A microservices architecture also brings some challenges, and these patterns can help mitigate these challenges.

Angular Design Patterns

Angular Design Patterns

Angular is created to mainly be used with TypeScript (though you may use it with plain JavaScript or Google’s Dart). Design patterns are what drives sensible architecture, and this applies to code organisation, component and module architecture, all the way through to state management.

Big Data Patterns

Big Data Patterns

Common big data design patterns based on various data layers such as data sources and ingestion layer, data storage layer and data access layer.

SOA Patterns.

SOA Patterns.

Service-oriented architecture (SOA) is a style of software design where services are provided to the other components by application components, through a communication protocol over a network.

ReactJS Patterns.

ReactJS Patterns.

React is an adaptable JavaScript library for building complex UIs from small, detached bits called components. Helping you learn how to apply design patterns and best practices in real-life situations.

Vue.js DesignPatterns

Vue.js Design Patterns

Understand the design patterns and component architecture of Vue.js to write clean and maintainable code.

Software Development AntiPatterns

Software Development AntiPatterns

Good software structure is essential for system extension and maintenance.

Software Architecture AntiPatterns

Software Architecture AntiPatterns

Good architecture is a critical factor in the success of the system development.

Software Project Management AntiPatterns

Software Project Management AntiPatterns

Traditionally, a key role of management has been to authorize exceptions to rules and procedures. But business-process reengineering (BPR) of organizational structures has changed that role significantly.

JavaScript Style Guide

Style guidelines for JavaScript programming.

AngularJS Style Guide

An opinionated guide to Angular syntax, conventions, and application structure.

Refactoring Guide

Refactoring is a systematic process of improving code without creating new functionality. Refactoring transforms a mess into clean code and simple design.

NoSQL Databases

NoSQL, which stand for "not only SQL," is an alternative to traditional relational databases in which data is placed in tables and data schema is carefully designed before the database is built. NoSQL databases are especially useful for working with large sets of distributed data.


Microservices are a software development technique—a variant of the service-oriented architecture architectural style that structures an application as a collection of loosely coupled services.

AWS Lambda

AWS Lambda is an event-driven, serverless computing platform provided by Amazon as a part of the Amazon Web Services. It is a computing service that runs code in response to events and automatically manages the computing resources required by that code.

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